So, the weekend is over, and it's Sunday's time to gather yourself for the week ahead. If you're like me, Monday's are the WORST. I spill things, I trip, I'm extra forgetful... this is the norm lol but on Monday's it's 10x worse!! So I've compiled a list of what helps me get over the Monday morning blues. .
#1. MAKE A "TO-DO" list on Sunday night
If you're like me, you KNOW Monday is not going to be a walk in the park. PLAN. Make a "to-do" list the day before and map out your day. My work morning starts at 8am and ends at 5pm. So my calendar is STOCKED with little odds and ends that are constantly reminding me to do things.
#2 Get a good night's rest! (Essential)
Sleep is good for the body! If you're not getting enough, your body will let you know. Get about a good 6-7 hours of rest, your body will thank you in the morning!
#3 Eat Breakfast!
This should not only be for your Monday mornings, but also for every morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so eat plenty of it. It will give you energy plus a full stomach that will get you through the day (or atleast until lunch). I have a hard time eating breakfast, I'm a very picky eater and most breakfast foods are not my fav. So, sometimes I opt out, and drink smoothies! Give it a try.
#4 Motivate yourself!!
Motivation is KEY, having a positive attitude going into the day will help 100%. Block out all negative energy and replace it with the positive. Easier said than done, I know. But practice this and I promise it'll be like second nature.
So yea, PLAN-REST-EAT-MOTIVATE! Not saying this will make for a flawless Monday morning because who are we kidding, they are of the devil!! But putting these tips to use should make it less worrisome. Give it a try and tell me how it works out!!
-Sincerely, Anstacia
Glad I could help :-)
Exactly what I needed..