Hey family <3.I first became natural about 4 or so years ago (I never remember, honestly). Anyway, I was the queen of doing my hair every single day. I'm talking about bantu knots, twist outs, and other styles that required me to hassle with my hair every single day. I had a lot of breakage and my hair never seemed to grow. Boy, was I mad! After big chopping Summer 16, I decided to leave my hair alone more often than not. I began exploring with more protective styles such as sew ins. I also wear my hair in a puff ALL THE TIME. Twist outs are the love of my life, but I make sure that I don't go overboard with them. I have seen tremendous growth in my hair! It has grown from about 10 inches to 14 inches long within the span of a year. This may not seem like a lot, but for me, it is. My hair typically grows slow. I have also been staying moisturized. With low porosity hair that's dyed, a consistent wash routine as well as finding a good leave-in conditioner is my best friend. I also avoid heat. I haven't straightened my hair since January. I might straighten it again for my birthday in December, I'm not sure. I only blow dry my hair when I am about to get a sew in or occasionally when i have to rush a twist out to dry.
I don't want to make this post TOO long, I just wanted to share my little success story, lol. I'll be happy to answer any questions. :) I hope this helped someone.
p.s the picture was my hair a few months ago. This is an old twist out that I put in a puff. My hair, in it's current state, is on my profile. :) <3