I started a Youtube channel a few months back but stopped recording videos a while back because the audio was very inconsistent. At some points the volume would be high and at others it would be almost inaudible. I thought it was the microphone but I use voice memos to record my lectures and the audio is just fine. I know an easy fix is to just buy a microphone but I dont want to just yet. Also there is the option to use headphones but is that tacky? Does anyone else have this problem if so can you shed some light?
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Ok thanks I’ll try that and see ignore it works
No problem. I know a lot of people use headphones as a mic! Doesnt hurt to try it out! Good Luck
1.No there is usually nothing in the way of the mic.
2. It’s usually set up at about a little further away then arms length ( on a stack of books on my desk and I’ll be sitting in front of my desk)
3. Yh but there’s still inconsistencies. So that’ll fix the problem of some parts being inaudible but there’s this the staggered volume problem.
P.s thanks for responding btw
This should be a simple fix if you know its not your mic. 1. is anything in the way of the mic while youre recording? 2. how far away are you from your phone while youre recording & 3. have you tried to turn up the audio while editing? sometimes I have to film while my fam is sleep so i talk low then turn up the volume when editing.