I'm challenging myself to be consistent with posting videos. One thing I'm currently struggling with is coming up with ideas of what to film. There are so many videos out there that are on the same thing! I'm just trying to figure out how to create a video with out it being too repetitive in the YouTube community. Any advice or ideas?
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IGet to work is the collaborative portion of the platform. It is where you can ask questions, discuss different topics, or even post your work for other people to see. You can also express your desire to work with other people on any business or content project. I want this to mimic a social media space in the sense that your able to connect with people with similar interests as you and find ways to work with or learn from them. Use the forum to spark magic together!
"If you are willing to do more than you are paid to do, eventually you will be paid to do more than you do."- Kaice Burnett
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You’re welcome 🧡
These are some good ideas. I'll start with these. Thanks!
“Get unready with me” “bean boozled challenge” (its old but it can make a comeback lol) wearing your hair a brand new way for the first time. A wishlist video about products you want and why. Also a video about products you don’t want and why.
Both would be great.
Do you want hair ideas or general ideas?