Hi Beautiful Curly people, I would love to hear some of your stories. I am working on a youtube video about some of the positive effects and outcomes of going Natural but I dont want it to be just about my experience. I want it to be about the whole experiece together and the many diffrent things people my be able to either relate to or expect. So let me know, how has your hair, your vision of yourself and your everyday lifestlye change for the better since becoming natural?💕.I will give some shoutouts to a social media of your choice if i include your story or ideas😁
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IGet to work is the collaborative portion of the platform. It is where you can ask questions, discuss different topics, or even post your work for other people to see. You can also express your desire to work with other people on any business or content project. I want this to mimic a social media space in the sense that your able to connect with people with similar interests as you and find ways to work with or learn from them. Use the forum to spark magic together!
"If you are willing to do more than you are paid to do, eventually you will be paid to do more than you do."- Kaice Burnett
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