Hey guys! I go by Xenia Lydia on the internet ,but you can call me Xen (Zen). I have a blog filled with my poetry and photos that I update weekly. I, also, have a youtube channel! i want to mak efriends that have youtube channels because currently it’s zero.
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IGet to work is the collaborative portion of the platform. It is where you can ask questions, discuss different topics, or even post your work for other people to see. You can also express your desire to work with other people on any business or content project. I want this to mimic a social media space in the sense that your able to connect with people with similar interests as you and find ways to work with or learn from them. Use the forum to spark magic together!
"If you are willing to do more than you are paid to do, eventually you will be paid to do more than you do."- Kaice Burnett
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Mine is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI8cHlTn4hj3AWXwM445iQg
Subscribed ladies,
Did I miss anyone ???
Mine is https://www.youtube.com/user/charliesgreat16 :)
Hey Xen! I would love to make friends on YT as well. I feel like I need more friends who have the same interests as me lol. Whats your YT channel?
Mines is : https://youtu.be/2VbCbTqRrrs
Mines https://youtu.be/n3KvLqnDKNg
My YouTube is Xenia Lydia :')
Hey guys! What are your channels, I'd love to follow
Same! I have a youtube and looking for other youtube friends