Hey you guys, I have recently started my blog and I have been working on a few post, and would love it if you guys could check it out. My blog will be dedicated to natural hair girls/boys that need help with their natural hair journey or they just want to know new ways to care for their natural hair in general. I will have many more ideas for my blog in the near future such as lifestyle, book reviews, documentary reviews, and whatever else come to mind. Here's the link: https://naturallydioneb.wixsite.com/dioneb Also follow me on Instagram: @naturally.dioneb and twitter: @dione_b

Hey! I visited your site and it looks pretty good! You're off to a good start but in this time it is important that you remain consistent. As long you keep posting you will get readers quickly but you can lose them just as fast. Be sure you are sincere with every post you make, it is going to take time and determination. The beginning stages are hard but it gets better and I speak from experience. I also have a blog, NaptasticCoils, that is dedicated to natural hair and encouraging women to embrace it. I started out where you were and I now have a consistent following and it keeps growing. I dont say this to brag, but I say this to encourage you. You are doing well love, just don't give up <3
Site: www.naptasticcoils.com
Snapchat: Naptastic Coils
Twitter: naptastic_coils
IG: naptasticc_coils
Facebook: Naptastic Coils